Tuesday 28 June 2011

If I could have just 10 minutes in your wardrobe...

You gotta admit, the lady has style! 88 year old Iris Apfel dresses with guts, her bright outfits clad in chunky and dramatic jewelry make her stand out from any crowd, young or old. Iris is the sort of woman I want to be at 88, she has the "I don't give a shit" outlook on fashion that I admire. People who got to see the Peabody Essex Museum exhibition of her clothing were very lucky - over 80 of her crazy outfits were on display! Iris makes me feel the need to start dressing up more and invest in some wacky glasses, she isn't afraid to layer up her colours and patterns and then throw on some huge jewelry to boot BUT IT WORKS SO WELL. Iris Apfel, I bow down to you.

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